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Jamaica Labour Party candidate Ann-Marie Vaz on stage as she celebrated her victorious win in the Portland Eastern by-election. Mrs. Vaz ran against the then PNP caretaker Damion Crawford.(Photo: Joseph Wellington)

Member of Parliament for Portland Eastern, the Jamaica Labour Party's, Ann-Marie Vaz J.P., says it would be good if Opposition Senator and Vice President of the PNP Damion Crawford, finds it within him to desist from making remarks which ultimately are an attempt to denigrate the dreams, aspirations and hard work of women and girls across Jamaica.

Mrs. Vaz says for far too long, women and girls in Jamaica and across the world have been confronted with prejudiced, misogynist and chauvinistic remarks from people who assume a false sense of superiority to others in a world where all people should be considered equal and assessed based on their demonstrated ability to perform and get the job done. 

Mrs. Vaz says she has not been personally impacted by the comments made by Crawford over the past two years where he referred to her as not being sensible and suggested that she does not have the ability to be more than a housewife.

However, the East Portland Member of Parliament says she is compelled to at this time speak out on behalf of women in Jamaica who may have been discouraged by misogynistic remarks similar to those made by Crawford.

Mrs. Vaz says - "to every woman in Jamaica, every girl, I urge you to never let disrespectful and chauvinistic comments from mean spirited people dissuade you from pursuing your dreams and aspirations."

Vaz continued - " I urge women and girls to continue to persist, continue to strive, continue to be motivated by an earnest desire to give service to your country while bettering the lives of people. Be sure that eventually success will be yours. Keep the faith and keep believing".

The East Portland MP says it is unfortunate that Crawford has sought to continue a disturbing trend where he's demonstrated a penchant to make comments which seek to trivialize and  suppress the value and involvement of women in various avenues of nation building, including the political arena.

Mrs. Vaz says she wishes Crawford well and it may be useful if he would avail himself of the intervention which may be required to enable him to be more responsible with his speech and understand that vile comments which denigrate women have no place in the 21st century or any century for that matter.

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